What is love and how it can last

It is one of the most sought after yet less understood

Diepak Paul
4 min readDec 8, 2020


Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Love, although as Tolstoy says- exists in the present, and is not lasting, can be made to last. How is what I will explore here at the end. Before that, let us look at the existence of this emotion. We can see emotion has prevailed over human consciousness and finds its primary expression mode in arts and literature. All portions of the society, from infants to politicians, thinkers have experienced it in life. Like we all do. Some have cherished it, some have fought for it, others have made peace with it is helpful, or for it.

What is Love

We all experience it with our life as love of the parent, love of mates, including siblings. Growing up, we learn to love a beloved or lover. Throughout our growth and life, society teaches us two other forms of love: love or loyalty to your nation and God or the faith attached.

Love is a deep sense of affection, care for a person, society, thing, or God, as the literature defines it. Love is when you have little or no resistance from within to give. One is ready to give away all that is within reach and willing to promise what is not present. The purity of love remains intact till the person does not start trying to find reason in the act of love or giving. Love varies from parental…



Diepak Paul

Life gave me much. I published first novel 2011. I am rewriting after my disability due to accident, and stroke. Starting to write here to heal, and be healed.